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Yoga, Ayurveda & Varkala Kerala 🪔

My quest to know more about Naturopathy brought me to Varkala, Kerala this time. I chose Varkala over other touristy destinations of Kerala because it's the main centre for Yoga and Ayurveda in Kerala.

Kerala is known for its knowledge of Ayurveda all over the world, it's no surprise because Vagbhatt was a keralite🙂. What! You don't know who this fella is? Well, in Ayurveda three people are very important, Charka- A general practitioner of herbal medicines who wrote Charak samhita. Sushrita- Skilled surgeon who wrote Sushrita samhita. And our Vagbhatt- who copied from these two and came up with his book Ashtang Hradayam😀.

So back to Varkala, Kerala 😀. Here I got lucky to meet a gem Dr Priya from VYAS( acronym for Varkala Yoga and Ayurveda School). A very genuine person with immense knowledge of Ayurveda. In a few lectures with her I learned much more than I could have imagined. Though I lost the opportunity to learn a bit more because I deviated from a lecture and started chatting with her about her life my life friendly stuff.... But I don't regret because I gained a friend in the process and I'm going to meet her again for sure.

So, back to Ayurveda 😀 Let's talk about some general stuff which would help your health- it's good to eat one fruit at a time, don't mix as in fruit chaat. If you have to then fruits should be of same prakriti (mix same taste n nature like sour with sour, sweet with sweet etc).🍎🍎🍎🍎

Eat meals based on your unique constitution ( Specific Tridosha Vaat, Pitta, kapha) And if you're not healthy then one or more of these dosha are not balanced so you need to eat food that would balance the imbalanced dosha. For example joint pain is a Vaat imbalance. Avoid vaat increasing food like daal, beans etc..... So much to share...... I'm signing off, maybe later......

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